Advanced Latter-day Saint-themed Crossword Puzzle
Listed Items
- 1. Connected to a higher power
- 2. State where Brigham Young declared "This is the place!"
- 3. A local church meeting place for Latter-day Saints
- 4. The spiritual center for the Latter-day Saint community
- 5. We increase our capacity to ___ through service
- 6. When we stop sinning and turn to God
- 7. The lowest of three degrees of glory
- 8. Healing the church
- 9. The Lord's day for Christians
- 10. Utah university with religious affiliation
- 11. Multitude fed with loaves and fishes
- 12. Sacred agreements in the Church
- 13. He was visited by the angel Moroni
- 14. The highest of three degrees of glory
- 15. Sacred temple act that unites families forever
- 16. A loving quality we should have
- 17. People descended from Laman and Lemuel
- 18. Organization for Latter-day Saint women's support