Advanced Latter-day Saint-themed Crossword Puzzle
Listed Items
- 1. Christian belief of rising from the dead
- 2. A city founded by Joseph Smith in Illinois
- 3. Love in action, taught by the church
- 4. Something a prophet might see
- 5. Church returning to its roots
- 6. Nephite prophet who taught about Jesus Christ
- 7. Main figure in the Latter-day Saint exodus from Illinois to Utah
- 8. A person responsible for managing and leading a stake in the Latter-day Saint community
- 9. Latter-day Saint term for the middle glory in the afterlife
- 10. An Latter-day Saint unit consisting of wards and branches
- 11. Migrated to the Promised Land during the time of the Tower of Babel
- 12. This unites members of the Church across nations and cultures
- 13. Similar to Jewish Shabbat but on this day
- 14. An inspired spiritual messenger
- 15. The path that Heavenly Father set for us to follow
- 16. Located in Provo, this college promotes a strong adherence to Latter-day Saint values
- 17. Led by Brother of Jared and Jared
- 18. Petitioning the Almighty for blessings
- 19. Sacred anthology of holy teachings
- 20. State with the largest percentage of its population as Latter-day Saints
- 21. Church discourse on Latter-day Saint teachings
- 22. Joseph Smith's early headquarters for the church
- 23. Latter-day Saint communion
- 24. Principal figure in The New Testament
- 25. The unseen and divine guide for truth and testimony
- 26. The ultimate spiritual destination of faithful Latter-day Saints
- 27. Manages church activities
- 28. Leader with a revelation in the Sacred Grove
- 29. Church-affiliated study group before school
- 30. Location that is the origin of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam