Advanced Latter-day Saint-themed Crossword Puzzle
Listed Items
- 1. A divinely inspired teacher
- 2. An important Latter-day Saint settlement in the 1840s
- 3. Latter-day Saint youth religious education program
- 3. The Lord's day for Christians
- 4. Comprises two main parts: Old Testament and New Testament
- 5. Kept by following commandments
- 6. Connected to a higher power
- 7. Not the highest, not the lowest, but in between glory
- 8. The highest of three degrees of glory
- 8. Will come again in the Second Coming
- 9. Mending of the faith
- 10. Faith shared in church
- 11. A safe refuge for the faithful
- 12. Utah university with religious affiliation
- 13. State with a prominent Latter-day Saint presence
- 14. Place where the Latter-day Saints assemble for Stake Conferences
- 15. Latter-day Saints who crossed the plains
- 16. An ordinance symbolizing rebirth
- 17. Latter-day Saint community in a specific area
- 18. A group led by the brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon
- 19. We increase our capacity to ___ through service
- 20. Oversees the ward
- 21. A leader who oversees several wards or branches